Monday, March 10, 2025

UPSC ESE(IES) 2020 Notification | Exam Pattern, Date Services Exam In January, 

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has published the ESE (IES) 2020 notification for Engineering Services Examination. A total of 495 vacancies have been notified by the commission. The Preliminary Exam for the recruitment to Indian Engineering Services will be held on January 5. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will conduct the recruitment exams. Online application forms will be available from September 25.

Candidates, with graduation in engineering disciplines, can register for the exam at the official website of the UPSC.

The exam is held for selection to services/ posts under Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering.

The Examination constitutes a written examination followed by an interview for the personality test. The recruitment of qualified candidates is made under the following categories:

  1. Civil Engineering
  2. Electrical Engineering
  3. Mechanical Engineering
  4. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

A candidate through Engineering Services Examination (ESE) makes a career in one of the most reputed government organizations like Indian Railways, Indian Military, Indian Telecommunication, and various other great departments of Government of India. An IES qualified Engineer gets an opportunity to technically handle challenging roles and tasks which has a direct bearing on the building up of infrastructure and services of our nation.


ESE 2020 Exam Pattern

Preliminary/Stage-I Examination (Objective Type Papers):

The Preliminary stage of the exam is objective in nature and consists of multiple choice type questions. Students have to qualify this stage to be eligible for the next stage of the exam. The marks obtained in this stage will be added in the final score for deciding the merit list.

Mains/Stage-II Examination (Subjective Type Papers):

The students who qualify the Preliminary stage of the examination are then selected for the Mains stage of the examination. This examination is of subjective in nature and tests the answer writing skills of the students.

The pattern of the Mains exam is as given below:

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