RGPV asked Out of syllabus Question on Steel 2 Paper
The Exams of RGPV commenced at 01 May 2019 for Final Year Student.
But on the First paper , RGPV mistakenly asked Questions that are not in Syllabus.
This was reported by Students of RGPV from Civil Engineering Department that a question of 14 marks have been asked by university which is of last semester.
The paper was of Advance Structural Design 2 [ Steel ] but question was from Advance Structural Design 2 [ RCC ].
Students got confused by first seeing the question. Later they told to invigilators about the mistake , but refuse to do any thing.

Question 7 , that was out of syllabus
The Authorities didn’t replied on this issue. Well now we have to see that whether the Responsibles’ took any step for students or they not.
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