Monday, March 10, 2025
Our OpinionUncategorized

Read why students of all three campuses of BITS :Pilani , Hydrabad and Goa got together to protect against fee hike

BITS is currently the only private institution which is at par with IITs. Moreover it also has a no reservation policy and admissions are given on the basis of merit only. BITS has produced great students over the years. But recently they have been increasing the fee by 15% every year which burns a hole in the pocket of parents. There are many students who have taken educational loans and such a hike is going to cause tremendous pressure on them. The per semester tuition fee has almost doubled from 2011 to 2017. This year they have increased it to about 1,60,000 INR per semester and that’s only the tuition fee. many students studying across all 3 BITS campuses and they all have the same opinion that though the fee keeps increasing every year there is no noticeable change in the facilities being provided. BITS had also increased the intake last year which drastically lowered the BITSAT cut offs. The increased fee and intake will result in poor peer quality which will eventually spoil the culture and learning environment. The NIRF ranking of the institute has been falling since last couple of years. Currently BITS is the only private institute which offers quality education to meritorious students. But if this trend continues, within few years BITS will be considered no different from VIT or MANIPAL.

As you can see from the above pic, the fees has been rising drastically for the past few years affecting the affordability of BITS education. Though BITS Pilani has improved it’s infrastructure tremendously in the past few years and is still improving it in the lieu of making it a world class research institution, the benefits of all this will not be available to the current students and will be visible only after a decade or so. The current students are being forced to pay for something whose benefits they won’t even enjoy.

The students carried out peaceful protests beginning on 6th May at 11am in the Cental Auditorium in Pilani. Since no concrete results came out during that time,the students continued their protests till late night. The students of Hyderabad and Goa campus also came in support of the protests. All of this is taking place when the final comprehensive examinations are going on. It is commendable to see the unity in the Bitsian community and alumni. The Bitsians have been supporting each other during the whole protests. The students are still giving their exams in between all of this. There are students which are helping other students to prepare and everyone is supporting each other making sure that the functioning of the institute is not affected and the concerned authorities gets pressurized

The authorities are not willing to take a concrete actions against the issue, so the students have decided to continue their protests. Some students have been sitting on hunger strike.The protests will continue till some concrete action is taken.

In our opinion the institute should roll back the fee hike not only for the students but also for it’s own good.

Below are some pics

Students studying for their exams in the scorching heat while continuing their protests in Pilani campus.

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